Tell me a person who doesn't need money. Know more about the history and worthy information about money.
The word millionaire was first used by Benjamin Disraeli in
his 1826 novel Vivian Grey.
If you stack one million US$1 bills, it would be 110m (361
ft) high and weight exactly 1 ton.
A million dollars' worth of $100 bills weighs only 10 kg (22
One million dollars' worth of once-cent coins (100 million
coins) weigh 246 tons.
TIP is the acronym for "To Insure Promptness."
The term "Blue Chip" comes from the color of the
poker chip with the highest value, blue.
Nessie, the Loch Ness monster is protected by the 1912
Protection of Animals Acts of Scotland. With good reason - Nessie is worth $40
million annually to Scottish tourism.
Of the more than $50 billion worth of diet products sold
every year, almost $20 billion are spent on imitation fats and sugar
Annual global spending on education is $80 billion.
US and European expenditure on pet food is $17 billion per
The global expenditure on healthcare and nutrition is $13
Money notes are not made from paper, it is made mostly from
a special blend of cotton and linen.
In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington,
USA, notes were made out of wood for a brief period. The wood notes came in $1,
$5 and $10 values.
The world's largest coins, in size and standard value, were
copper plates used in Alaska around 1850. They were about a metre (3 ft) long,
half-a-metre (about 2 ft) wide, weighed 40 kg (90 lb), and were worth $2,500.
The first credit card was issued by American Express in
About 30% of consumers use their credit card as their main
means of buying Christmas goodies, 70% do not save to buy Christmas gifts and
86% of consumers do their Christmas shopping during December.
Excessive use of credit is cited as a major cause of
non-business bankruptcy, second only to unemployment.
Statistics show that people with high, medium and low income
groups spend about the same amount on Christmas gifts.
In the 1400s, global income rose only 0,1% per year; today
it often tops 5%.
The average age of Forbes's 400 wealthiest individuals is
In 1955 the richest woman in the world was Mrs Hetty Green
Wilks, who left an estate of $95 million in a will that was found in a tin box
with four pieces of soap.
In 2001 the richest woman was Liliane Bettencourt, the
daughter of L'Oreal's founder. She has a net worth of $14 billion (depending on
how the stock market did today).
In 2000, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is the second
wealthiest woman, with $5,2 billion.
Queen Elizabeth II is one of the 10th wealthiest women in
the world.
The $ sign was designed in 1788 by Oliver Pollock.
The term "smart money" refers to gamblers who have
inside information or have arranged a fix, the gambling term for insuring the
outcome of an event by illegal methods.
Small-time gamblers who place small bet in order to prolong
the excitement of a game are called "dead fish" by game operators
because the longer the playing time, the greater the chances of losing.
In gambling language, for a gambling house a
"sure-thing" is a wager that a player has little chance of winning;
"easy money" is their profit from an inexperienced bettor, an unlucky
player is called a "stiff."
Australians are the heaviest gamblers in the world; an
estimated 82% of Australians bet. That is twice as much per capita as Europeans
or Americans. Yet, Australia, with less than 1% of the world population, has
20% of the world's poker machines.
There are more than 7 million millionaires in the world.
80% of millionaires drive second-hand cars.
In 1900, the price of gold was less than $40 per ounce. It
reached $600 in 1930, now struggling to reach $400 per ounce.
If Los Angeles County was a country, it would be the 19th
largest economy in the world.
If California was a country, it would be the 5th largest
economy in the world.
Tobacco is a $200 billion industry, producing six trillion
cigarettes a year - about 1,000 cigarettes for each person on earth.
In 1965, CEOs earned on average 44 times more than factory
workers. In 1998, CEOs earned on average 326 times more than factory workers
and in 1999, they earned 419 times more than factory workers.
The income gap between the richest fifth of the world's
people and the poorest measured by average national income per head increased
from 30 to one in 1960, to 74 to one in 1998.
A third of the world's people live on less than $2 a day,
with 1,2 billion people living on less than $1 a day.
In the 17th century, wool fabrics accounted for about
two-thirds of England's foreign trade. Today, the leading wool producers are
Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and China.
The NASDAQ stock exchange was totally disabled in on day in December
1987 when a squirrel burrowed through a telephone line.
In 1990, the word "recession" appeared in 1,583
articles in The Wall Street Journal.
Global sales of pre-recorded music total more than $40
Tourism is the world's biggest industry, affecting 240
million jobs.
In 1865, Frederik Idestam founded a wood-pulp mill in
southern Finland, naming it Nokia. It rapidly gained worldwide recognition,
attracting a large number of workforce and the town Nokia was born. In 1898,
the Finnish Rubber Works company opened in Nokia, taking on the town name in
the 1920s. After WWII, the rubber company took a majority shareholding in the
Finnish Cable Work. In 1967, the companies consolidated to become the Nokia
Group. The recession of the 1990s led the group to focus on the mobile phone
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